
Links and information for support organisations, service providers and community groups for Aboriginal People.  

This resource was complied by Community Circles Australia an organisation which works to connect people with their community. Created in partnership with Wingecarribee Shire Council and Southern Tablelands Arts.

We would like to acknowledge and express our gratitude to Aunty Sharyn Hall, Gundungurra elder, for her invaluable insight and feedback in the creation of this resource.

Download the printable version of the ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY SUPPORT NETWORKS here (2mb). 

For more information about this community resource or the provide further or updated information for inclusion please contact Highlands Community Centres Inc [email protected] or by calling 4862 1122. Further information can be found at the Wingecarribee Shire Council website


AHO – Aboriginal Housing Office
Phone 02 8836 9444

Argyle Community Housing
Phone 1300 274 953

Tharawal Housing
Phone 4628 4837

Vinnies Southern Highlands Homelessness Services
Phone 4428 6230


Aboriginal Dental Clinic in Bowral and Tahmoor
Phone 4861 8000

Aboriginal worker, Joyce Saunders at Bowral Hospital
Phone 4861 0200

Aboriginal worker Leann Dykes at
Community Links Wellbeing
Phone 4683 2776

Aunty Robyn Young at Community Mental Health
Phone 4861 8000

The Aboriginal Woman’s Yarning Circle
Every 2nd Friday at the Wingecarribee Aboriginal
Community Centre
Phone Lisa
0498 075 198

Cultural Centre
Various regular workshops
Phone 02 4226 3338 or 4871 3290

Dhungung Share
Food hampers supplied most Thursdays from the Wingecarribee Aboriginal Community Cultural Centre. Registration is essential and is done via text.
During Dhungung Share, community members can have a cuppa and some morning tea and meet with other Aboriginal community members.
Some services will also pop down and be available to provide information and answer any questions. Some of the services that participate are Service NSW, NDIS LAC’s, Highlands Community Centre Aboriginal Community worker, Lisa Wayne from Centrelink, Community Counsellors, Council and others from the community. 
For information or to register for a food hamper  Phone 4868 0888


Wingecarribee Aboriginal Network
Meeting is held bi-monthly on the last Tuesday of month
from 10am-12pm
Open to all organisations that work in community and
Aboriginal community members
Email [email protected]

Wingecarribee Aboriginal Yarn
Meeting is held bi-monthly and is for Aboriginal workers and community members to come along and share their voice on what they would like to see in their community and how they feel the community is going.
Open to all Aboriginal people. An opportunity for service providers to attend and share resources with the Aboriginal Community, if they wish to get involved or have any questions of the Aboriginal community. This meeting is held at Moss Vale TAFE Campus.


Aunties Clinic, Bowral Community Health
Drop in Thursdays from 12pm
Phone 1800 455 511
or 4861 8000

Highlands Community Centres Inc
Aboriginal Community Worker, Lisa 
Phone 0498 075 198

Southwest Sydney Chronic Care
Phone 8781 8020

Wingecarribee Conciliation Group
formerly Wingecarribee Reconciliation Group
Email [email protected]

Lisa Francis
Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer
Student Wellbeing Support
Phone 0436943168 or 62005000 
[email protected]

Southern Tablelands Arts
resources, programs and information for artists, creatives and community groups Email hello@southerntablelandsarts 
Email hello@southerntablelandsarts


Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT
Phone 1800 733 233

AIATSIS Australian Institute of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Phone 6246 1111

Centrelink – Indigenous Call Centre
Phone 1800 136 380

Phone 1800 132317

DCJ SWS Permanency Hub
Phone Mikayla MacLean 02 9765 3513
or [email protected]

Funeral Fund for Mob through Pay the Rent
Support worker Phone 0473 283 622

ILALC – Illawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council
Leaseholder of
Wingecarribee Aboriginal Community Cultural Centre
Phone 02 4226 3338
find them on Facebook

Law Access
Phone 1300 888 529

Legal Aid
Aboriginal Field Officer
Phone 9219 5000

Aboriginal Legal Service
Phone 1800 733 233

Linkup NSW
Phone 9421 4700 or
1800 624 332 (free call, not available for mobiles)

NIAA (National Indigenous Australians Agency)
Phone 1800 079 098

NTS Corp
Native Title Service Provider for NSW and ACT
Phone 1800 111844


Reconciliation Australia
Phone 6153 4400

Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation (Medical, Child &
Family Services, Housing, Healthy Lifestyles
Phone 4628 4837

Victim Services Aboriginal Contact Line
Phone 1800 019 123

Family Matters Strong Communities. Strong Culture. Stronger Children
Australia’s national campaign to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people grow up safe and cared for in family, community and culture”. familymatters.org.au

Ally and Thought Leader providing Australians with
quality information on priorities concerning First Nations
rights – sharing with all Australians independent research and analysis. Committed and active movement of Australians who work for First Nations rights and justice”. antar.org.au

Waranwarin Child and Family Centre
Aboriginal Guardianship Support Model
Phone Amber Baker 9820 7447

NSW Child, Family and Community
Peak Aboriginal Corporation

SNAICC – National Voice For Our Children

Mullyang Bushcare
The 3rd Saturday of the month at Guula Ngurra National
Park. Apply to be a volunteer.
Veronica Quintanilla Berjon, NSW National Parks &
Wildlife Service
Phone 02 4632 4506 or 0448 563 321
Email: [email protected]

Closing The GAP

Francine Bartlett, Counsellor
Supporting Aboriginal people
Phone 0415 984 100

Education Student Wellbeing Support
Lisa Francis, Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer
Phone 6200 5000
Email [email protected]

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander free counselling
available 24/7, crisis support suicide prevention
Phone 13 92 76

We would like to acknowledge and express our gratitude to Aunty Sharyn Hall, Gundungurra elder, for her invaluable insight and feedback in the creation of this resource.

Special thanks to Lisa from Highlands Community Centre for taking the time to help put together this list

Pam Luke for her beautiful artwork created especially for this publication and used with the artist permission to enhance this page – 
The design I have come up with is the depiction of different mobs bringing the tools of their clan to meet together to share skills

Wingecarribee Shire Council for production support and Southern Tablelands Arts

free & connects you to the STA universe

Reach out to us
[email protected]

0427 938 110  
Or by appointment at one of our
Mobile Office locations

PO Box 1323 Goulburn 2580
ABN 67 208 214 681


We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the lands where we create, live & work. 

© Southern Tablelands Arts. All Rights Reserved