Sweeping changes to The Arts and Cultural Funding Program (ACFP) 

The text below is an announcement released by Create NSW on 7 June 2024.

At the end of 2023, the NSW Government released the state’s first arts, culture and creative industries policy, Creative Communities.

In response to valuable sector feedback received from right across NSW a key commitment was made to reform the Arts and Cultural Funding Program delivered by Create NSW.

We have acted on this feedback, and I’m excited to now share that we are introducing a transformed Arts and Cultural Funding Program that will be simpler, fairer and faster, designed to drive long-term growth and sustainability across the NSW arts and cultural sector.

These changes will deliver a funding model that is fit-for-purpose, creates a level playing field for equitable access, demands less administration and provides faster outcomes for applicants.

In line with the guiding principles of Creative Communities, the changes will prioritise First Nations culture and sustainable growth for the whole NSW arts, cultural and creative ecosystem.

The key changes to ACFP include:

Simpler process to apply for funding with:

  • every aspect of the application process improved to simplify the user-experience
  • funding programs streamlined from 14 to 4
  • less paperwork with 25% shorter application forms and
  • 50% less time-consuming reporting required

Fairer model for all

  • all eligible organisations will have the opportunity to apply for multi-year funding through an open, competitive, transparent process
  • project funding will be targeted to engage priority groups to ensure artists, arts workers and audiences reflect the diversity of the people of NSW

Faster processes and outcomes

  • funding decisions assessed and determined faster by refreshed Artform Boards
  • pre-application support resources and meetings available for applicants
  • administrative improvements mean applicants can apply for and receive funding faster

Ultimately, the new program will better support artists, organisations and arts workers, no matter which corner of the state they’re from or which artform they represent.


An online information session on the changes will be held on Wednesday 12 June at 11.30am. You can register for the webinar here.

Additional sessions will be published soon. Please keep an eye on our website and stay informed by subscribing to our Create NSW enews for more information.


We will soon be calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for our refreshed Artform Boards – we want fresh perspectives, from people who are representative of our diverse state, with different ages, career stages, geographic and cultural heritage.

If you are interested in joining one of our boards, I encourage you to submit an EOI when this opportunity opens next week.


For more information on the changes, including details on the new funding categories and when/how you can apply for the refreshed Artform Boards, please visit the Create NSW website.

Please feel free to share the above link or our social media posts with your networks.

These changes will make the program better and our arts, culture and creative industries stronger.

Regional Arts Network
Southern Tablelands Arts is proud to be one of the 15 Regional Arts Development Organisations (RADOs) across NSW all of whom are supported by Create NSW. The network is made up of unique, innovative and passionate people who champion the arts and culture in their regions by providing support, programs and projects to those who live, work and play across regional NSW. 

STA and the rest of the Network are funded through the Arts and Cultural Funding Program delivered by Create NSW. The changes will provide new opportunities for STA to evolve and develop. We are excited to share the journey with our communities as we move forward.

Article on Artshub 
Questions raised over ‘Simpler. Fairer. Faster.’ arts funding model
Create NSW has announced a new approach to its arts funding model, but first reactions say it favours competitiveness over fairness. by Gina Fairley 12 Jun 2024

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