Stories from the Studio: David Smith

This week, we visited David at his studio in Queanbeyan. David, a former scientist, now dedicates his time to creating sculptures from reclaimed steel and other materials. His current exhibition, Endangered, focuses on native Australian animals that are threatened due to climate change, habitat loss, urban encroachment, and introduced pests.

David’s studio is an intriguing space where each sculpture tells a story. His pieces, crafted from steel and wood and enhanced by stone and resin, are both visually striking and thought-provoking. Endangered highlights the impact of human activity on the environment, prompting visitors to reflect on the importance of conservation.

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David’s sculptures are designed to engage viewers with a mix of humor and intellect. The exhibition serves as a gentle reminder of the need to protect our fragile world and the species we share it with. Visiting David’s studio offers a unique opportunity to appreciate his artistic talent and consider the environmental issues his work addresses.

David’s work plumBob is a finalist in the Wollondilly Waste to Art Prize 2024. on display 4 – 6 July at Wollondilly Shire Hall – SAVE THE DATE. FIND OUT MORE

Endangered is on display at Rusten House Arts Centre in Queanbeyan until the 27 July 2024.

David’s garden is a sculpture trail with many fantastic discoveries.

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