This week STA digitally ‘dropped in’ on Dianna Nixon from Wild Voices Musical Theatre.
I began receiving gig cancellation advice in March. I coped relatively well as we’d been following the CV19 story closely. When the studio closed I started moving students online. Student numbers have dropped, partly because of economic impacts on students and their families, partly because some don’t have the technical capability to do lessons from home. But some are continuing and we are learning loads of new skills. We had our first online concert practice on Saturday, and it was outstanding.
This kept me busy, along with following the plight of my many colleagues who lost all their work overnight. I have become involved in advocacy tasks, assisting where I could in getting a conversation going to ensure no one was left without support.
Alongside that, I wrote and produced a short film for the online Gunning Arts Festival, and hosted an online Q and A on the day of this inaugural event. Please watch the video here