
Southern Tablelands Arts works with our members, makers & creative communities. Energising and supporting the living culture of the Southern Highlands & Tablelands of NSW through a program of activities and events. We support, create, educate and advocate for the arts in the region.

Our Councils are Goulburn Mulwaree Council, Hilltops Council, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, Upper Lachlan Shire, Wingecarribee Shire, Wollondilly Shire and Yass Valley Council. STA are part of the state wide network of Regional Arts Network supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

STA are regularly in a town near you at one of our Mobile Office locations.

Cool projects we do

STA Artist in Residence 

An ongoing program of residency opportunities across the STA Region. 

Illuminate Wollondilly Festival of Art and Light. STA are proud program partners, creatiing lanterns for the annual parade through community engagment and workshops.

STA are proud program partners in the annual festival of arts and culture across the Hilltops region – Every year in March. Dont miss it.

200+ Stories to Discover

A behind the scenes visit for a with a Creative or Cultural Organisation & you’re invited. A fresh story every Friday.

Watse to Art
The ultimate in sustainable creativity. Exhibitions, workshops, activities and much much more…



Arts & Cultural Hub for the STA Region  FIND OUT MORE.

STA run regular Mobile Offices in each of our six contributing council areas between February and November. Drop in for a chat or book an appointment. 

STA Screen
All the equipment and expertise for your next community movie / trivia / games / screen night. Indoors or under the stars. 

STA Creative Directory
Members who are artists and arts organisations are invited to be listed in our Creative Directory. Search 500+ local listings.

Mobile Tech Hub
We have a set of 7 laptops that can be booked by members for workshops, classes and events. 

Badge Machine
Nothing makes an event a happening like badge making. 

STA offers a members auspicing service. 


Rose Marin
Executive Director
Lives in QPRC. Committed arts professional.
Artist, letter writer, educator & gardener.

 Erin Olafson
Project & Comms Officer
Lives in Goulburn Mulwaree. Artist and knitter.

Kate Mckay
Admin & Comms Officer
Lives in Upper Lachlan
Ceramic artist and gardener.

Cecilia McKenzie
Aboriginal Arts Officer
Lives in QPRC. Proud Wiradjuri woman, singer and community worker. 


Lousie Wakefield
Lives in Goulburn Mulwaree. Strategy and leadership guru. Keen theatre goer and writer.

Mark Bradbury
Vice President
Lives in Goulburn Mulwaree. Lawyer and member of the Goulburn Chamber of Commerce in his spare time.

Joanne McCauley
Lives in Sydney and works in Goulburn Mulwaree. Financial wizard, business owner and tradie blogger

Rob Moran
Board Member
Lives in Wingecarribee Shire and works with Wollondilly Council. Community hero with skills in education & access.

Cath Brennan
Board Member
Lives in Wingecarribee Arts professional with a strong background in local government and community work.

Mandy McDonald
Board Member
Lives in Upper Lachlan
Artist & community leader.

Robyn Sykes
Board Member
Lives in Yass Valley. Performance Poet and farmer.

Garth Prentice 
Board Member
Lives in Goulburn Mulwaree. Musician & Teacher. 

Patrick Nellestein
Board Member
Lives in Wollondilly. 
Musician & CEO of River Road Creative Academy.  

Regional Arts NSW

Regional Arts NSW is the peak body and support agency for arts and cultural development in regional NSW. 

Create NSW

Create NSW is the NSW Government’s arts and cultural driver, which brings together arts, screen and culture functions into an integrated entity.

Contributing Councils
Southern Tablelands Arts works with our seven contributing local government authorities across the Southern Tablelands and Highlands region of NSW.

Goulburn Mulwaree
Includes the city of Goulburn and villages at Bungonia, Lake Bathurst, Marulan, Tallong and Tarago.

Centres include Boorowa, Harden – Murrumburrah, Young, and villages of Bendick Murrell, Bribbaree, Frogmore, Galong, Jugiong, Koorawatha, Monteagle, Murringo, Reids Flat, Rugby, Rye Park and Wombat.

Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council 
Centres include Queanbeyan, Bungendore, Braidwood, Captains Flat and Majors Creek. 

Upper Lachlan Shire Council
Includes Crookwell, Gunning Taralga, Bigga, Binda, Breadalbane, Collector, Dalton, Grabben Gullen, Jerrawa, Laggan and Tuena. 

Wingecarribee Shire Council

Centres at Bowral, Moss Vale, Mittagong, Robertson and Bundanoon with many smaller villages and townships.

Wollondilly Shire Council
Centres include Tahmoor, Picton, Bargo, Douglas Park, Menangle, Thirlmere and Tahmoor with many other villages and townships.

Yass Valley Council
Centres Yass, Binalong, Bookham, Bowning, Gundaroo, Murrumbateman, Sutton and Wee Jasper. 

Regional Arts Network
Southern Tablelands Arts is proud to be one of the 15 Regional Arts Development Organisations (RADOs) across NSW all of whom are supported by Regional Arts NSW. The network is made up of unique, innovative and passionate people who champion the arts and culture in their regions by providing support, programs and projects to those who live, work and play across regional NSW. 

Southern Tablelands Arts is delighted to share with you a detailed introduction to our network, through the launch of NSW Regional Arts Development Organisation (RADO) Ebook. The Ebook includes case studies showcasing and celebrating the success of the regional arts network. The compilation provides insight into the value that the RADOs bring to their communities both as individual organisations and as a united network that advocates for the importance and success of regional artists. It demonstrates examples of the innovative practices and programs that the RADOs have undertaken and highlights the impact that this network has within each unique community.


Southern Tablelands Arts has evolved from an informal grouping of local government and local Arts Council representatives in 1996 known as Southern Tablelands Regional Arts Advisory Council. The main role of the organisation was to provide support and advice to a newly appointed Regional Arts Development Officer. In 1997 the organisation became incorporated and was renamed as Southern Tablelands Regional Arts Inc in 1998.

From 1996 to 1999 the Arts Council of NSW was responsible for the financial management of the organisation and employment of the Regional Arts Development Officer. During 1998/99 there was a transition to local, more direct management including employment of staff, collection of local government contributions, diversifying the membership base, drafting and managing budgets relating to programs and day to day operational duties.

From 1996 to 2017 there have been five Regional Arts Development Officers. The position title changed to Executive Director in 2016. The first part-time administration assistant was employed in 2001 and the first part time communications officer was employed in 2013.  In 2020, the Executive Director and Coordinator Community Arts and Communications are full time positions and there is a volunteer administration assistant

free & connects you to the STA universe

Reach out to us
[email protected]

0427 938 110  
Or by appointment at one of our
Mobile Office locations

PO Box 1323 Goulburn 2580
ABN 67 208 214 681


We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the lands where we create, live & work. 

© Southern Tablelands Arts. All Rights Reserved