STA invites expressions of interest from Aboriginal Creatives to be part of the Mob in Focus: Time to exhale program. Support to create work inspired by recent times and events. Successful Creatives will receive a professional fee and have their work included in the Mob in Focus online showcase at the STA website.

The last 12 months have been an intense time for Mob. Mob in Focus is an opportunity for Aboriginal Creatives to be financially supported to process thoughts and ideas through creative practice. Resulting work will be shared publicly through an online showcase which will be launched during NAIDOC WEEK 2024 – ‘Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud’

STA have a limited number of professional packages which will be offered to individual Aboriginal Creatives following the outcome of the expression of interest process. Successful artists will be awarded a fee of $500 to process and share through their creative expression.

Inclusion in the Mob in Focus program is open to all Aboriginal people living within the STA Region* working across all forms of expression. Whether you paint, draw, sculpt, dance, sing, write, play or perform. Whatever your medium or method we want to support you to use your lived experience of recent times to get creative. 

*There are many language groups who live and meet across the region where STA operates. Main groups include Wiradjuri Country coming in from the west, across the north is Gundungurra and Tharawal Country, the south is Ngunnawal Country, and the east is Yuin Country. The STA Region is officially made up of seven local government areas of Goulburn Mulwaree, Hilltops, Queanbeyan Palerang, Upper Lachlan, Wingecarribee, Wollondilly & Yass Valley.

The fee is for $500 (all inclusive) to create Art that reflects your recent experiences to be part of the Mob in Focus online showcase. The fee will be paid on receipt of an invoice/tax invoice that includes an ABN for payment. 

As a professional fee Artists in the project will need to have an ABN for payment. If you don’t already have an ABN you can still apply to be part of the Mob in Focus program and if successful STA will work with you through the process of getting an ANB to support your professional development.

Payment will be split in two instalments, $300 up front and a second payment of $200 paid when the resulting work is supplied in a digital form suitable for display at the STA website. This can be a digital image, a video, sound recording or written text.

Participation includes the sharing of resulting work online by STA in the Mob in Focus online showcase and the right for STA to reproduce the work for promotion and display purposes. All resulting work remains the property of the Artist.
To be considered for inclusion in the Mob in Focus project Aboriginal Artists need to submit a completed EOI form (below). Or contact STA for further information of support to make your submission.



  • Wednesday 15 May – EOIs open 
  • Sunday 2 June – EIOs close
  • Week of Monday 3 June – Artists notified regarding outcome of EOI process.
  • Tuesday 11 June – creation time & first payments to Artists.
  • Monday 1 July – digital image, recording, text of created work due to STA for development of online exhibition. Final payment to Artists
  • Monday 8 July – Mob in Focus: Time to exhale online exhibition launched at the STA website.
  • Future – towards the better world we all hope for.

The Mob in Focus: Time to Exhale program is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW and the Restart Program.


Why are STA doing the Mob in Focus project?
STA wants to financially support Aboriginal Artists to process, create and share their creativity. STA acknowledges the last 12 months have been especially tough for Aboriginal people and we want to actively support you with $ and a platform to share your creative work.
We also love supporting and sharing creative work!
What does the fee cover?
The Mob in Focus fee is a professional fee to financially support you to be creative. The fee covers display of the resulting work online and in print to support the online showcase.
The fee does not purchase the resulting work but is to support Artists in their creative process. The fee can be used by the Artist in any way that supports work creation.

What’s the theme?
Artists are invited to respond to recent events such as the result of the Voice Referendum, the Domestic violence crisis gripping our country, personal circumstances, family, community, country and the path forward. The NAIDOC theme of ‘Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud’ is also great inspiration. How you create and what you create is up to you.

I’m create visual art. How will my work be part of the online showcase?
Visual Art works such as paintings, drawing, prints, digital images and sculptures will be displayed online by images provided by the artist.

I’d like to create a dance. How will me work in showcased?
The work you provide for the online exhibition will be a video or stills that best share the resulting dance movements. STA will work with you on the best way to represent your works.

What about written words?
If you write poetry or stories you can propose to have the written words included as part of the exhibition or a video of you reciting the words. Or a combination of both.

How will the successful Artists get paid the commissioning fee:
STA will pay the Mob in Focus fee in two installments. $300 at the commencement of the creative period and a second and final payment of $200 when the resulting work is provided in a format suitable for inclusion in the online showcase.
Artists will need to submit a suitable invoice / tax invoice for payment. need help with developing your own invoices? Check out our handy STA invocing for Artists help sheet.

I’ve not done an invoice before. Can I get help?
If you’ve never been paid via an invoice it’s a great professional step for your career. STA have developed an easy to use online invoicing for artists webpage which also includes handy downloadable novice templates.

Do I need an ABN to be part of the program?
Mob in Focus is a program that attracts a professional fee. All participating Artists will need to include an ABN as part of their invoices to have the fee paid. Apply for an ABN now, it’s a free online process at the Australian Business Register.

Does STA own the work made through the Mob in Focus project?
No, the fee only covers display of the work online and in print to support the exhibition and project. Resulting work remains the property of the Artist.

Can resulting work online be for sale?
Resulting work can be sold at the artists discretion. All inquiries from interested parties will be forwarded directly to artists via a supplied email or online link. STA will not be selling work on behalf of Artists through the Mob in Focus showcase nor will we require any commissions on sales or any other form of financial gain by Artists resulting from participation in the Mob in Focus project and showcase.


  • If you would prefer to do your expression of interest as a word document and forward via email please download a .doc version of the form here.
  • If you’d like to contact the Mob in Focus Project Officer for more info or support please send her an email.

The Mob in Focus: Time to Exhale program is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW and the Restart Program.

free & connects you to the STA universe

Reach out to us
[email protected]

0427 938 110  
Or by appointment at one of our
Mobile Office locations

PO Box 1323 Goulburn 2580
ABN 67 208 214 681


We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the lands where we create, live & work. 

© Southern Tablelands Arts. All Rights Reserved