STA Place
Find your place across the STA region, know which Country you are on and discover public art and heritage…

How to find the name of the First Nations Country you are on.

Also referred to as the Traditional Custodians / Owners of the land you are on. If you are unsure of the name of the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Country you are on, here are some easy research tips. Try to use a few different reference points to find a consensus. Always prioritise information from authentic First Nations-controlled websites/ organisations first. Head to for more information. 

  • Web search “your suburb or local council name” + “Traditional Owners”.

Creative South Your guide to exploring the creative Southern NSW. Curated, contemporary, collectable, quirky, hand-made, authentic, historic, hidden, stimulating, surprising South. Plan your trip today.

200 Bargo Tahmoor Picton
Read and listen to amazing stories about these very special towns in Wollondilly. And add your own. Local people share their memories. Find out more

Retford Park Sculpture Garden Tour

A self lead tour of the garden sculptures at Retford Park. Enjoy every time you visit.

Champions of Change 

Locally made films about environmental heroes working in our communities. Journey across this land with these documentaries. 

Poetry: The Indelible Stencil Tour 

Visit permanent installations ‘in real life’ or online anytime.

Public art celebration of poetry and place right across the STA region.

Great Southern Line Anzac Story
Artworks commemorating the WW1 veterans who worked on the great southern line, at Picton, Moss Vale and Goulburn railway stations.

Gambay: a map of Australia’s first languages

Explore the Indigenous Languages of our region and beyond. Includes stories, videos, talks and much more. A place to visit regularly.  

Share R Streets

STA in partnership with Upper Lachlan Council delivered an ambitious and innovative project of creative temporary interventions to revitalise the streets of Upper Lachlan towns. Find out more. 

Miles Franklins Goulburn

This self-guided walking tour commemorates Miles’ years in the Goulburn District. Download the brochure.

Goulburn Public Art Trail

Take a leisurely walk and learn about the public art pieces dotted throughout Goulburn. This work by Bill Dorman called My baby Gone and Left me. 

Delve into the rich history of your local area with Yesterday Stories. Check out some one minute trailers for some of the local stories.

The Liberty Theatre in Yass is in dire need of restoration to enable the community of Yass Valley to again enjoy cinema, theatre, stage, musical, and arts productions. Do you have memories of the theatre? Find out more.

Visit your local museum or heritage centre

Retford Park

Leave yourself plenty of time to explore the vast arboretum and formal gardens or be guided through the former residence of James Fairfax AC and

Goulburn Historic Waterworks Museum

Enjoy a picnic beside the picturesque Wollondilly River or wander through the Pumphouse Museum to enjoy a static display of the massive steam operated engines.

Berrima District Museum

Located in the delightful historic village of Berrima, Southern Highlands this exceptional museum brings to life the history of the district.

NSW Rail Museum

Home to a significant rail heritage collection, including over 100 rolling stock items in Thirlmere, NSW.

Young Historical Museum

The Museum is the community-run keeping place of many historical objects and their stories from the early days of Burrangong and Lambing Flat to present day

free & connects you to the STA universe

Reach out to us
[email protected]

0427 938 110  
Or by appointment at one of our
Mobile Office locations

PO Box 1323 Goulburn 2580
ABN 67 208 214 681


We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the lands where we create, live & work. 

© Southern Tablelands Arts. All Rights Reserved