PAINT THE TOWN Street Art Festival – Goulburn
@stapaintthetown for all the updates
PAINT THE TOWN brought art to the streets of Goulburn over two weeks in Summer 2024 with 9 amazing murals created as part of the festival.
Nationally established artists working along side local talent to create murals that reflect our recovery journey since the 2019 black summer fires. Murals represent the voices and insights of fire effected community members through co-design workshops held with fire effected community members. A celebration of art that brings colour, vibrancy and culture to our region.
PAINT THE TOWN is the brainchild of Wollondilly based street artist Joe Quilter, who brought his dream of a street art festival to STA and before you could say abracadabra PAINT THE TOWN became a reality. Our only addition was to say let’s do four street art festivals and really have some fun.
Get your crew together, hop in the car, put on your skates or jump on the horse and discover street art across our wonderful region on the STA PAINT THE TOWN Street Art Tour
Use our PTT google map to get to all the murals and be awed by the art.
PTT murals are co-designed by the community to reflect our experiences of the Black Summer fires.
In the lead up to the PTT Festival STA partnered with Stephen Carroll to run two Co-Design Workshops in Goulburn and Marulan. Fire affected community members shared their stories of the black summer fires and the journey of recovery since the fires. The workshop content was used to create briefs for all the artists to develop their PAINT THE TOWN murals. STA recognize the impact the 2019/2020 fires have had, and continue to have, on mental health.
More About Stephen Carroll –Stephen Carroll a qualified psychotherapist, credentialed mental health nurse & counsellor with 45 years experience of working in mental health. Stephen had undertaken training in trauma informed therapy. His experience covers hospitals, communities, drug & alcohol services, private practice and local GP and community health centres.
PAINT THE TOWN Artists & Mural Locations
See Phibs’ mural on the side of the Goulburn Aquatic Centre (Right next to the skate park)
Phibs is one of the most respected and renowned names in Australian Graffiti and Street Art. His public artworks are prolific in Melbourne and Sydney, as well as in many far-flung places across the globe.
Larissa is a oil painter and mural artist living in Gunning NSW. I hope to re-enchant the world through my art.
There is so much magic that we seem to have lost, but it’s not lost really, it is all still there.
Thomas painted this stunning mural inside Goulburn Base Hospital
Thomas Jackson is An Australian artist and illustrator who was born in Bolton, U.K. Moving to Sydney, Australia as a child, he was instantly drawn to the natural wildlife of this new country. Fascinated by the local animals and landscapes, he drew inspiration from his new home, as well as scientific plant and animal specimens, entomology and taxidermy.’ Today, Thomas puts a modern take on ‘Natural History Illustration’, painstakingly creating smaller scale works for galleries and translating these into large scale public murals.
James Houlcroft (aka Houl)
James painted a melting gala at Tarago Showground.
James is a versatile street artist whose work is filled with wit and humour. As a street artist he works with a variety of materials – including spray paint, cardboard creations and public surfaces. James will be a painting a mural in Tarago.
Monica is a contemporary Aboriginal artist, and proud Muruwari and Ngemba woman, living in Goulburn. Monica has been a practising visual artist for many years, working with painting, drawing, sculpture and murals. “I am passionate about sharing my culture and increasing awareness about Aboriginal culture, history and perspectives through creative practice.”
See Joe’s mural at the Veolia Recreation Centre
PTT Creative Director Joe Quilter knows the powerful role of art in the recovery of our community following the fire. His work can be seen across the state and around his home region of Wollondilly. During the PTT festivals he’s one of the busiest people around keeping everything on track, but will still have time to do a few amazing murals Goulburn Mulwaree!
Jodie Munday @cr8iveart2523
Jodie has painted Bungonia RFS Shed
Jodie works in drawing, painting, woodburning, weaving and textile art and photography, work focusing on native plants, animals and our rural lifestyle aspects. Jodie grew up with strong connections to culture and country including a heritage of Aboriginality ( Wiradjuri- Peak Hill, Numalla, Nevertie, Tottenham, Trangie and Narromine) Celtic and British heritage. Many of her works combine elements of her heritage and upbringing in a contemporary and colourful palette.
Sami Sparrow
Sami’s mural is at the bus stop on verner Street, Goulburn
Sami is a Goulburn based artist, Illustrator, Author, Pattern Designer and Vintage Enthusiast. Sami pursues her passion by exploring her abundant creativity across illustration, pattern design and painting. Inspired by bold colour, street art, tattoo art and bygone eras, for Sami, the sky is never the limit.
Done & Awesome
PAINT THE TOWN TOUR – Murals by STA and others. We’re embracing Street Art across the region. CHECK IT OUT
🔥 Freehand Spray Mural with Eddie Mo
Freehand a your own street art mural. Mad skills from a seasoned street artist!
Words with Joe – VLOG
PTT Creative Director Joe Quilter dishes up the T on the origins and evolution of graffiti and public murals. WATCH HERE!
The STA car got a deadly makeover with an original work titled ‘Travelling Arts’ by Jess Plumb. GET THE WHOLE STORY
PAINT THE TOWN project is funded by the Australian Government through the Black Summer Bush Fires Grants program.
STREET CRED – our top pick street art festivals from across the globe
PAINT THE TOWN is the brainchild of Wollondilly based street artist Joe Quilter, whose murals can be seen in Picton and around the country. Jo’s style consists of graffiti, calligraphy, stylised realism and abstract imagery. Joe will work behind the scenes to make PAINT THE TOWN a reality and out the front as an artists creating new works. Joe’s work can be seen all over. See more of Joe’s work at Facebook or at his instagram @weitwo
The entire PAINT THE TOWN project is funded by the Australian Government through the Black Summer Bush Fires Grants program.
Each PAINT THE TOWN Festival and program includes the support of local Councils, business and orgs.
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0427 938 110
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PO Box 1323 Goulburn 2580
ABN 67 208 214 681
We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the lands where we create, live & work.
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